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3D Modelingx

'3D Modeling' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
How to print a physical 3D model of a Matterport digital twin? Adrian_P 2 1 yearMeidansha (841): Hi, I haven't actually done it yet but I quoted a client who asked recently and I decided when doing that the safest way would be to convert the point cloud to BIM and then create the STL file from that. The problem is with all the extra labour involved it turns out to cost the same as having a conventional architectural model made only with the bonus that the client gets a Matterport scan and a BIM model in the package. The whole purpose of...
WP3D Models: Customize your property details DanielBenion 2 1 yearlilnitsch (5803): What I’d really love to see is a better looking unbranded view. Even just matching off of the current branded look just loosing the logos and agent contact info
3D Capture and software questions newengland3d 10 6 yearsWingman (4435): Here is a link to the model with the film development room captured. This space is big so to get to that room straight away just switch to the floor plan view and you will see a dark space in the middle. It is actually not so grainy in pictures quality as it has looked in scans.
Huawei MATE 20 pro 3D scanner imad 6 6 yearsTosolini (4398): @mori This quite cool. I signed up for their beta. Thanks for the link!
Matterport scans & Drone videos rzphotoman 10 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): @FlightMedia THis is not my sight I saw it while looking at other stuff and saved it because I kinda liked the layout and might use some ideas from it in future. I had tried video backgrounds on my site before but it was hosted on GoDaddy at the time and load time was way to slow. I do use an Inspire 1 for video though. We have 2 Inspire 1's with regular Zemuse x3 cameras, a Yuneec Typhoon Q500 4K, and a Parrot Bebop 2. We have used the...