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'360video' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
360 View: How to Keep My Truck Out of 360s? ajabba 8 8 yearsajabba (25): @DanSmigrod and @DouglasMeyers Thanks so much for your answers, and your tour looks awesome, Dan. I'm in love with my truck but I don't think the client is. lol
GoPro: 360 Prosumer Ppherical Camera Fall 17 DanSmigrod 2 8 yearslknbigfish (19): Wow, I hope it is somewhat reasonable priced.
360 video from point cloud data craigsauer 19 8 yearscraigsauer (1078): This one is another interesting variation that I posted in another thread, but not here. It combines two Matterport tours, one before and after on the same property. No panos incorporated in this one, though I may do it later. I haven't quite decided how to deal with the issue that the pano positions obviously won't line up exactly between the two versions. I might just use panos from the "after"...
Samsung Gear 360 srennick 3 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @srennick @Property3dNZ Hi ladies, I'm using the Ricoh Theta S after reviewing both and watching several YouTube vid reviews, and I'm really happy with the ease of use and quality. :)
360 views extraction possible? Wonderdawg 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Wonderdawg Unfortunately, Matterport told developers that offering Panos from Matterport Spaces was in violation of their terms of service. This functionality is completely doable - -and multiple 3rd party developers would like to offer this service - if Matterport allowed this. Dan PS We Get Around uses a Ricoh Theta S to fill this void...
360 Scenes Post Original Processing vchelf 6 9 yearsThreeDImaging (74): Thank u very much frstbubble.
360º Video: Ricoh Theta S Meets SF Cable Car DanSmigrod 7 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @Noel When I use the Ricoh Theta S, I do not get any questions from anybody. Most just think it is a microphone. One of the reasons that I like the Ricoh Theta S is that it is small and doesn't spark discussion. Most people love having their photo taken. Maybe twice in my life, I got no photos please. When I use the Panono - about the size of a grapefruit - it calls attention and invites discussion. That can be good or bad. While traveling...
ICSF16 Ricoh Theta S Hand-Held/Walking Video DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): 360º Video shot with a Ricoh Theta S on a San Francisco Cable Car. Think of it as a "dolly" meets 360º spherical video. Unfortunately, the image "washed out" facing the water. I could imagine that the video would have been much better if shot after I did the July 2016 firmware update. How else might you use 360º spherical video to compliment Matterport Spaces 3D Tours? Best, Dan
Infographic: Facebook 360 Pictures DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsGlennTremain (2953): nice job
Ricoh Theta S Meets Weddings>Special Events DanSmigrod 3 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): @marswalker I posted one of the videos from the wedding: the other from home. In a world of instant, social media, this gives us a way to share moments while they are happening. The grooms video has been viewed nearly 300 times in less than 24 hours. I could imagine it will get amplified when he has time to share it, etc. Yes. Instant gratification: kitchen to FB in minutes. Best, Dan
Multi cam vs Single lens 360º video cameras Bill 3 9 yearsBill (288): Thanks Carlos - you're absolutely right about the 4K and aspect ratios. This is an emerging technology and good to see some major players like Nikon, Samsung, LG, Kodak etc getting into the game. People will always be demanding of better and better image quality. For the time being we are left trying find the best user friendly low cost solution. We have one high profile client requesting this so we're sourcing solutions. We have the GoPro rigs...
Open Cockpit Biplane + Ricoh Theta S DanSmigrod 7 9 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): @DanSmigrod First, I like the bi-plane video. It is the perfect composition for a consumer camera. Edit the sound, maybe a few cuts & clean up the audio tracks then (toss iMove and use Premiere Pro, 360 editing is now baked in, no need for a plugins) publish a nice video. While we know that the 1080 of the Theta S is not optimum for professional work, it does allow getting into a tight place like the cockpit of the plane. I've got...
Facebook's 360 Degree 3-D Cameras Unveiled DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): Nokia OZO camera adds live virtual reality broadcasting
360-Degree Spherical Cameras DanSmigrod 12 9 yearspixelray (1068): I literally just placed my order...says 10-12 weeks but from what I have read, it could be longer.
Making360: free ebook for 360 video creators Tosolini 1 9 yearsTosolini (4398): If you are interested in 360 video, you'll appreciate this open source initiative called 'making360' aimed at spreading the knowledge of best practices in creating 360 footage. Kudos to the volunteers who have put together this effort.