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'360s' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Placing Matterport 360s in edit mode... Queen_City_3D 4 6 daysWingman (4435): I noticed it did not work about 2-3 months ago and reported it to Matterport about 6 weeks ago. However I was reporting this problem and bigger problems with their trim tool. The 360s were not that critical for me while broken trim tool was so going through communication with Matterport the 360 problems faded away in out communication and we stayed only on the trim tool problems. They fixed it even though it was "not our fault" for...
Can not process a job where I deleted 360ยบ photos to bring it down to 499 s Pedrotex69 11 1 yearWingman (4435): Most of the time when you cannot upload your job it is your account authorisation issues in the app. If it happens to you log off from the capture app and log in again. Then try to upload again.
360 Photographer Wanted: Memphis, Tennessee (360s of Rental Property) DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31653): This opportunity has been handled. Thanks, Dan
Matterport new features(beta):Import 360 Images & scans manual placement Wingman Jump to first page47Jump to last page 3 yearsWingman (4435): Ok, four sides 360s do not work as I have expected. May be because of a flat background that is wrapped around each 360. Matterport has a problem understanding that it is just a sphere hanging in space and simply treats it as a part of the background. I think it can be done with more 3D objects like planets and the Sun and keeping background black. When I have time I will try it.
Nadir placement for 100's of 360 images. BlueImmersiveMedia 6 4 yearsWingman (4435): +1 to Pano2VR I have used it to batch patch 100s in one go. It does not apply logo immediately and you will need to wait till software go through each and patch it However you only need 1 minute to apply it to a master node and all other panoramas will be patched automatically.
Importing existing 360 panoramas into matterport Marshallartsmedia 3 5 yearstoddwaddington (541): No, there are many things we are waiting for from various platforms. With Matterport I wouldn't hold your breath and I'm a user. They are brilliantly frustrating. Similar to the Apple business structure, if you want their product you will need to accept (nay, embrace) their proprietary system. That said, I won't be surprised if they expand their camera selection. I purchased the Pro2 because it was the only way to get hi-res images in...