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*New* in December - Cupix Review6201

Cupix Director
of Sales
San Francisco
scott_cupix private msg quote post Address this user
Cupix released a new feature in December. It is called Cupix Review. Cupix latest Review feature gives you the ability to compare multiple 3D tours taken on different days. Plus, you can leave comments and reply to other’s comments with 3D annotations and viewpoint snapshot links which can make the communication visually crystal clear with absolute ease.


A few videos showing how the new feature works with the Cupix and other platform features. The first two examples focus on a Hospital under construction. 360 photos were taken to create a Cupix tour at various time-points during the construction phase. Cupix Review can be used to investigate the construction progress at different time points. Cupix automatically generates the tour and 3D mapping of all camera positions and also automatically correlates the closest camera location between tours so that the perspectives are fully synchronized.

(1) Cupix Review Overview Video
A hospital under construction. Cupix Review can be used to investigate the construction progress at different time points and leave 3D pins and comments anywhere in the tour.

(2) Cupix Review How to Setup Video
Once the floor plan is overlaid to the Cupix tour, Cupix Review correlates the closest camera location between tours so that the perspectives are fully synchronized.

(3) Cupix Review for Controlled Comparison of 360 Cameras
This third video shows how Cupix Review can be used to compare tours created with different 360 cameras like the Ricoh Theta V and Samsung Gear, Xiaomi MiSphere, GoPro Fusion or any other 360 camera. Here is direct access to one of the tours with a floor plan sourced from Blue-Sketch (The Cupix tour was provided to Blue-Sketch and a floor plan was returned in the morning).

Cupix is still currently in Beta and is completely free to use. Any tours that you create during the beta period are your to keep with no strings attached.
Post 1 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
One question:
What is the input of Cupix?
Is it the Panoroma photos only?

If yes, is it possible to upload all Panoroma photos from Matterport Showcase to Cupix and generate Cupix showcase?

Thank you.
JuMP team from Beijing, China
Post 2 IP   flag post
Cupix Director
of Sales
San Francisco
scott_cupix private msg quote post Address this user
You can upload 360-degree photo to Cupix. The way these look in Windows or on Mac are going to flat and stretched like this. When they get into Cupix, they become the full 360 tour. You need about the same spacing of photos as matterport in residential properties. But in more open area such as outdoors or in a large space like a concert hall, the spacing can be much, much larger which means fewer 360 photos are needed.


Here's a support article from Cupix describing basics on taking photos. CUPIX TAKING PHOTOS GUIDE

There is a user on the WGAN Forums that has extracted a 360 format from Matterport. Here's an example of his tour:


Also, instead of a tripod, you can hold the camera in hour hand or place it on a helmet (don't forget the yellow jacket and to smile .

Post 3 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@scott_cupix Maybe you can generate the showcase directly from the pictures that Matterport camera captured. I mean before upload to Matterport server.

If so Matterport camera can be a real camera without Matterport services anymore.
Post 4 IP   flag post
Cupix Director
of Sales
San Francisco
scott_cupix private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP - if you get photos out of Matterport and upload to Cupix you can do what was done here:

Alternative for confidential tours - CUPIX
Post 5 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
@scott_cupix Can you generate showcase from seperated pictures(not panoroma, before processing)?
You know the Matterport camera takes 3 photos(up,middle,bottom) at a time and 6 times one point.
I can get out of the 3x6 photos from Matterport camera.

But can you use them to generate showcase panoroma and obj mesh?
Post 6 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
We used to work on our showcase platform JuPlayer about one year ago.
We can show you the POC link of JuPlayer here:
We didn't finish the development of JuPlayer due to some business reason.

We want to free Matterport users from the lock of Matterport showcase system.
But we are lack on the mesh generation.
If Cupix can do this, it will be so good.
Cupix provide the proof of photogrammetry can generate the mesh from panoroma already.

We can working on one offline software to pull out all original photos from Matterport camera before processing. So every Matterport users can assume Matterport camera to be an automatic panoroma capturing camera hardware. And have the right to select Matterport or Cupix to do the next processing.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Cupix Director
of Sales
San Francisco
scott_cupix private msg quote post Address this user
@JuMP, The input to Cupix is equirectangular format photos. There are a lot of ways to get a equirectangular format photo including a DSLR with Pano Rig (sample photo) and 360 Camera (sample photo). If you can get photos in this format, upload them to Cupix and you are set.

Cupix Tour from DSLR Panorama Rig: VIEW TOUR
Cupix Tour from 360-degree Camera: VIEW TOUR

Feel free to PM me if you are looking more details.

Post 8 IP   flag post
3rd Party
JuMP private msg quote post Address this user
Ok, I see. Cupix required Panoroma.
We will try to work on one software to pull out Matterport 3x6 photos from the Camera hardware and turn them to one equirectangular panoroma for processing with Cupix.
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