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Video: Matterport + Leica BLK360: Power Sub-Stations Updates17188

WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user
Video: Central Lincoln PUD Streamlines Power Transport System Upgrade Project with Matterport | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 26 July 2022

Matterport + Leica BLK360: Power Sub-Stations Updates

Hi All,

Your thoughts?


Transcript (video above)

Central Lincoln is a public power, community-run power company that has been delivering power up and down the Oregon coast for almost 80 years. The technology that we have was originally put into place in the late 90s so most of our systems are due for replacement.

We brought burns at McDonald's and to help coach us, guide us through what this transition to a newer, more modern network was going to look like. The design team brought the idea of doing something more dynamic, that 360 walk around as the way they put it.

Well, when the first four substations came back and we were able to walk around virtually in this digital twin, we were pretty amazed in their traditional workflow when I would do substation upgrades and we've done upgrades over the years.

It would not be uncommon to go back to a site five to eight times. But there are locations in this project that we went once we did the scan, everything else that we did was virtual. The ability to measure,

It allows us to do a different level of inventory once without having to then have somebody capture it all on paper and then the other side of that is being able to teams, group setting to review a site.

We catch things in that team's environment that are beyond the reason we've started looking at the digital twin in the first place. The use of technology like Matterport has helped us, I believe has helped us greatly in healing those milestones.
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Portland, Oregon
HelloPado private msg quote post Address this user
I love hearing people outside of the Reality Capture industry talk about Matterport. The more "regular" people talk about it, the more streamlined our business becomes. I could definitely see myself using this very video for marketing... and this guy is in my backyard. I may try to reach out to him directly.

Thanks for sharing this Dan!
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
DanSmigrod private msg quote post Address this user

I could imagine that a Leica BLK360 is essential to do work for a power company (because they are likely to want outdoor scans).

Power companies are one of the reasons I believe this will happen:

Why Matterport will Build/Sell a Leica BLK360 Clone for Less Than $7,500

(I wrote that on 31 January 2022. It seems overdue for Matterport to offer a solution like this. It's a glaring gap in its capture gear.)


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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
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Video: Matterport x Burns & Mcdonnell | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 27 July 2022


Matterport published this video today: also about scanning outdoor utility facilities.


Transcript (video above)

The right tools paired with the right knowledge and experience. That's how Burns & Mcdonnell and Matterport help you visualize success, literally.

Managing modifications and retrofits depends on having precise data about your facilities, helping you avoid costly revisions and time lost to updating documentation.

Matterport's powerful 3D platform reduces costs, enhances the safety, and maintains detailed documentation of your project spaces. We use Matterport to collaborate with you in a shared interactive virtual model for design, reviews and approvals.

Your space is captured with 4K imagery and depths data, which is securely stored on the platform. The model is ready for easy markup, collaboration, and integration with other digital tools.

Scanning is a fast straightforward process with fewer individuals needed on-site, and fewer site visits needed afterward. Boost your efficiency and save time and money spent documenting your sites.

Using Matterport Burns & Mcdonnell can provide as much as a 30 percent reduction in time to complete the design process. Burns & Mcdonnell and Matterport, changing the way the built world is documented.
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WGAN Forum
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Atlanta, Georgia
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Matterport Digital Twin courtesy of Burns & McDonnell

WGAN Forum Podcast | Episode #121

Matterport Media Release (28 July 2022) Matterport + Burns & McDonnell to Help Energy, Utilities, and Manufacturing
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