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Insta360 Pro 2x

'Insta360 Pro 2' Topics

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2020 is the year of Google Street View Blue Line Map Updates by Pros DanSmigrod 10 8 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV | How to Publish to Google Street View from Matterport; +10 GSV FAQ Pro Tips for Common Problems (Solved) | Guest: Wingman Media Brisbane Owner Michael Lysov | | Thursday, 18 July 2024 | Episode: 222 | WGAN Forum Member Name: @Wingman [streetview][/streetview]Google Street View Tour with Multiple Floors | Published via Matterport GSV Add On | Tour by: Wingman Media...
Video Review: Why this Bushman Monopod is the best for 360º 1-Click Cameras DanSmigrod 16 11 monthsDanSmigrod (31629): MONOPOD PRO vs. MONOPOD V2 | Video courtesy of Bushman Panoramic YouTube Channel | 10 May 2024 ✓ Buy Bushman Monopod V2 ✓ Buy Bushman Monopod Pro
10 Backpacks to pair with 360º Cameras to create Google Street View DanSmigrod 18 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):
How to Make a 360º Camera Helmet Cam DanSmigrod 16 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): With Helmet | Video courtesy of Cupix YouTube Channel | 1 November 2021
My QuoCam 8K Odyssey: Seeking a 360 Camera for Multiple Tour Platforms homefinders3d 12 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @homefinders3d The Forgotten QooCam 8K Magic : Creatively Use Express DNG8 and In Cam RAW+ at the same time!!! | Video courtesy of Yuqing Guo YouTube Channel | 21 June 2020
Seaking honest opinions about my latest 360Tour (Which I am not hapy about) Pedrotex69 16 5 yearsWingman (4426): If you wait for tiles to load it is not all that blurry. It is actually not that bad considering resolution of an Insta360 OneX.
Bad Quality pictures with Insta 360 One X Pedrotex69 8 5 yearsandreabortolot (199): Hi Pedro! I own a Insta360R and had the same problem but then I discovered a software which is very useful when there is noise on a pic. Its name is I'd warmly suggest it.. it's only $69 for full version. I am also using the video plugin for Davinci REsolve that remove noise from 360 videos. Let me know if that works! Força POrtugal!
URGENT: help scanning this Penthouse (Matterport) skyload300 13 5 yearsExpertise (1192): Wish I was in Brickell right now! Happy hour at Trulucks, I'm buyin! Anyway- I'd be very concerned about that staircase. Hopefully, there are some differentiating features in there.
Insta360 One X & Ricoh Theta Z1: Wifi Range Issue - Easy Solution 😩 pguerreiro 4 5 yearsEladitems (71): Im having these issues when using the matterport camera. But with the Z1 it is just amazing
Video: Best Virtual Tour Camera 2020 (11 360 cameras + DSLR compared) DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, As you do your research, keep in mind that if you want to take Matterport for a spin, you will need either: ✓ Matterport Pro 3D Camera (Pro1, Pro2, Lite) ✓ Ricoh Theta V or Ricoh Theta Z1 ✓ Insta360 One X ✓ Leica BLK360 Best, Dan P.S. Question of the Day: Is there a shortage of 3D/360 Cameras?
Video: 360 Workflow: Editing Insta360 One X RAW Photos on Mobile DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 360 Workflow: Editing Insta360 One X RAW Photos on Mobile - iPad, IOS/Android | Video courtesy of itsDante YouTube Channel (13 May 2020) Hi All, From the itsDante YouTube Channel: The editing workflow using the Insta360 One X App is very smooth and fast. Especially useful if you are going to be publishing your images on social media or sharing them with a client! ✓ You will need an IOS or...
Can't Find Insta360 One X to add to my kit; Where can I find one? GETMYVR 3 5 yearsExpertise (1192): I have a new condition One X I'll sell ya.
My first Matterport Scan: Feedback? Advice? (Much appreciated) DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsHome3D (4213): Very nice work. Most of my career was spent as a TV commercial director so I always enjoy walking around a studio and reminiscing, which you made very easy this morning. Wish I could stop by for a visit but it’s a bit far from Los Angeles. But I wish you the very best!
Choice of 360 camera for less than 1000$ crocis 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): ✓ In-Depth Video Course for 360º Newbies: Virtual Tour Pro by Ben Claremont ✓ WGAN-TV Transcript: Virtual Tour Pro Creator Ben Claremont | Top 10 Tips for Starting a Virtual Tour Business (Includes discussion about how to evaluate which 360 camera to buy.) Search the transcript for: So tell me about your process for which 360 cameras our viewers should buy. Dan
Video: The Best 360 Camera of 2020 is ... DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsmcuddy (186): It's only April Dan!!!!
Ricoh Z1 or Insta360 One X - extending WiFi range? Home3D 4 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @Home3D Perfect and sorry I didn't have an immediate, pre-tested, solution to share. Even if Ricoh doesn't have any solutions that are immediately deployable, I will be big money that we can identify a suitable solution and, hopefully, one that is powered by USB vs. 115VAC. I look forward to hearing what Ricoh has to say on the subject. Good luck!
Video: How to Keep Business Going During Coronavirus Lockdown DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 360 Live Stream: How to Keep Business Going During Coronavirus Lockdown & Best Camera in 2020 | Video courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel | 24 March 2020 Hi All, From the CreatorUp YouTube Channel: Several major cities in the United States and around the world are in complete lockdown. Instead of being defeated, you can use Virtual Reality technology and 360 livestreams to continue operating and...
Matterport Pro2 versus Insta360 One X: Velocity & Accuracy of Measurement DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Measuring Matterport with Insta 360 1X & How Much You Should Trust This Tech. on Insurance Claims! | Video courtesy of David Herring Large Loss Life YouTube Channel (16 March 2020) Hi All, This video is by Tallahassee, Florida-based WriteLoss Inc. CEO P. David Herring whom is also a Large Loss Consultant/Estimator/Appraiser. Key Takeaways ✓ while the Insta360 One X camera...
Questions about Asteroom... DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsEricTsai (171): @jthorstad - sure! You will shoot using our App (We have direct integration with Z1,v, and One X) and then simply upload the panos. Our back-office and AI will put together the dollhouse for you. For users that use other 360 cameras- they can upload the panos using our web editor. Here is a youtube video of how a photographer is able to put together an Asteroom tour in 15 minutes
Camera for Construction Videos ? ConstructionVideos 4 5 yearsHome3D (4213): @ConstructionVideos - I concur! I've been very happy using the Insta360 One X for a huge construction project her in LA. Mostly I use it on the end of their "extended selfing stick" to put the camera in all sorts of places otherwise impossible, and then I extract HD video in edit, aiming the view where I see most value. However, I'd probably buy the new Insta360 One R today, due to greater flexibility, longer battery life and...
Webinar: Matterport and Insta360 Wednesday, 12 February 2020 DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder that this Matterport webinar is today (Wednesday, 12 February 2020). Dan P.S. Insta360 One X Real Estate Kit with free Lens Cap
Insta360 One X & Matterport - Any timer? pguerreiro 2 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): @pguerreiro Not sure if applicable because I haven't researched it yet. The new InstaOne R had an applewatch app for shutter release. I wonder if one might be able to use it with the OneX leaving the iPad or iPhone near by
Newbie: How to not see the Stitch Line in my 360s? tboyle 10 5 yearstboyle (30): Thank you. Yes, I am familiar with Ben,his Virtual Tour Pro and his software ratings. I have been looking at Kuula but have not engaged. I too like short learning curves and easy workflow but must ensure clients in most industries will be happy with quality, functionality and features. I will look at EyeSpy360 tomorrow. Any more thoughts would be appreciated. Cheers...
Help Please! "I am just getting started with my Insta360 One X Camera" ... DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Elevating this discussion between new WGAN Forum Member @tboyle and long-time WGAN Forum Member @Home3 from here to here :cool: ... Feel free to join the discussion. Best, Dan
Versus: Insta360 One X, Insta360 One R, GoProMAX (And More) DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): #Insta360OneX #Insta360OneR & #GoProMAX Footage, Battery Life, Workflow & Usability | Video courtesy of Scojo in 360 YouTube Channel (23 January 2020) Hi All, As I see "this 360º versus that 360º camera" video reviews, I'll post here. Please feel free to do the same. Tip: For more comparisons, use the WGAN Search box and enter: Versus Best, Dan
Are you a 3D/360º Camera Manufacturer? The Must Have Killer Feature is ... DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Are you a 3D/360º Camera Manufacturer? The Must Have Killer Feature is ... Hi All, Which one 360º camera feature do I recommend for real estate photographers that is a must have when deciding which of 50 3D/360º cameras is right for you? Answer: Platform(s) compatibility For example, if you are considering using one of these platforms … 1. Cupix 2. EyeSpy360 3. Google Street View 4. Matterport 5. Panoskin 6. ...
Weird Matterport/Insta360 One X issue.......maybe a haunted house??? photosintheround 9 5 yearsphotosintheround (43): Thanks for all the feedback!!!!
GSV Pricing>NCTech iSTAR Pulsar versus Insta360 Pro 2 and Labpano Pilot Era DanSmigrod 2 5 years3dblickwinkel (235): Hi Dan, thanks for the helpful comparison. Let's see what news about the Pilot One we hear. You know Germany is nearly white labeled with GSV following GDPR and older issues. Maybe that will change this year because Germany has overregulated compared to the EU.
Considering Ricoh Theta Z1, but, worried about battery! photosintheround 12 5 yearsWingman (4426): The image quality and their time shift plugin is worth it everything else does not. As for a monopod, I use a cheap one for less than $15. It is ok for inside and leveled surface but outside and on a slope it can be a problem. Since I am going to use a Pilot Era instead of a Z1 soon I have decided to get a better one and bought Neewer brand monopod for $42 from...
Car dealer virtual tour alignment problems with Insta360 ONE X MarcelloM 5 5 yearsJoakim360 (125): I think you guys have come to the correct solution. Im just wondering,are you shooting the cars with doors open or closed? Open doors align easier with photogrametry (360 cameras). It should be possible to shoot a few with the car doors open and then delete or hide them after everything inside has been aligned.
Video: How to Shoot Four Fake Drone Shots Using Only a Selfie Stick DanSmigrod 4 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): The Osmo Pocket has also worked in a pinch with the wifi base and a tall monopod
Video: Should you buy GoPro MAX versus Hero 8 versus Insta360 One X? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): GoPro MAX BEAT Insta360 One X (Nov. 2019 update)? In-depth long term review after 1 month | Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel (9 December 2019)
Insta 360 One X Questions! quick9 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):º Video hosted on YouTube @quick9 Thank you for joining the WGAN Forum ... Welcome :cool: Just like videos need to be hosted on YouTube or Vimeo for example, 360º photos need to be hosted too. WGAN has curated this list of 130 3D/360º Virtual Tour platforms/software. WGAN Premium Member - ThreeSixty Tours - offers a free pricing tier to help you get started. You can create 360º video with...
Tip: Use a 360 1-click Camera and Matterport Pro2 to shoot a Car Dealership DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #940- Capture App Using Different Cameras In a Single Model with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank Hi All, In this WGAN-TV Short Story, Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank explains why use a 360º 1-click camera and Matterport Pro2 3D Camera to shoot a Matterport 3D Tour of a car dealership. (And, how to know which scans whee shot with a...
Cupix VS Matterport with Insta360 One X pguerreiro 6 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @Home3D Quick clarification question: Have you done any re-touching to those Nodal Ninja, window/HDR images? If straight out of the camera, then through Nodal Ninja app processing, these are a really good start? The highs and mid-ranges are better than what comes out of my Sony A7SII. The shadows could use a quick pass through PhotoShop, but if it saves having to send them out for 3rd party re-touches, that means delivery of the assets at...
Video: How to pair Insta360 One X to Matterport DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Still stuck? See this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Video: How to enable a 360º Camera to work with Matterport Capture App Best, Dan
Video: How to enable a 360º Camera to work with Matterport Capture App DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport 3D Showcase App-Short Story #928- Capture App 3D Conversion And Firmware Version with Matterport Content Marketing Manager Amir Frank Hi All, If Santa Claus brings you a Ricoh Theta Z1 or Insta360 One X camera to use with the Matterport Capture App, here is a quick start tip for how to enable a 360º compatible Camera to work with Matterport Capture App. As shown in the WGAN-TV Short...
360Rumors Video: 6 FACTS about Insta360's next camera coming soon DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: 6 FACTS about Insta360's next camera coming soon | Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel (15 November 2019) Hi All, From 360º Subject Matter Expert Mic Ty's 360Rumors YouTube Channel: --- YES, Insta360 will have a new camera coming soon! Here are 6 FACTS about it. I also talk about my trip to China, where I got to try out the Kandao Qoocam 8K. Is the new Insta360 camera...
How to Peel a Gazebo Home3D 3 5 yearsHome3D (4213): Most shots were on the iPhone using a Zhiyun Smooth-C that I bought a few years ago. As 3-axis tech continues to improve, there are probably much better ones available now, perhaps including from Zhuyun.
Video: How to use Matterport with a Insta360 One X or Ricoh Theta Z1 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to use Matterport with a Insta360 One X or Ricoh Theta Z1 | Video courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel (11 November 2019) Hi All, Related to the above video from 360º Subject Matterport Expert Ben Claremont, these WGAN Forum discussions: ✓ Video: How to pair Insta360 One X to Matterport ✓ Video: How to pair Ricoh Theta V/Z1 with Matterport ✓ WGAN-TV: 360º Expert Ben Claremont on...
Insta360 One X - Wifi Issues. Anyone? pguerreiro 1 5 yearspguerreiro (112): Hello everyone. I've just bought the Insta360 One X and i'm having problems with the wifi connection. It works only if i'm close to the camera. More than 3, 4 metters, loses connection all the time. "Operation couldn't be completed. com.insta360.camerasdk.error error 444" The firmware is updated and i'm using an iPhone XS. I appreciate your help. Pedro...
The 360 Guy: GoPro Max versus Insta360 One X: Ultimate Comparison DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): GoPro Max vs Insta360 One X: ULTIMATE COMPARISON (with Shanil Kawol) | Video courtesy of The 360 Guy YouTube Channel (6 November 2019) Hi All, From The 360 Guy (Daniel) YouTube Channel: --- Yet another Insta360 One X and GoPro Max comparison. There are many other videos of the same subject, primarily because these are the two top 360 cameras out right now. In this video me and Shanil, the...
Matterport Comparison: Pro1, Pro2, Ricoh Theta V/Z1, Insta360 One X lilnitsch 5 5 yearslilnitsch (5803): @Ghagendorf with any of the 360 cameras you will have to use a 3rd party for floor plans. I use Siva he does good work with just a Matterport link he is reasonably priced and turns around in short order
Matterport floor plans if theta is included with other scans. leonherbert 8 5 yearsVTLV (2916): @lilnitsch - go this route. Siva is Bad Ass!
Can we remove the Matterport Camera in the Mirror-lined exercise room? Sandiemcr 11 5 yearsSandiemcr (56): Thank you everyone for your responses... levity appreciates too
Shot on the Insta360 One X with: 1080 framing extracted from the 360 Video DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Shot on the Insta360 One X with: 1080 framing extracted from the 360 Video | Video courtesy of Los Angeles-based Kevin Dole @Home3D | October 201 Hi All, Shooting video, but not sure which "framing" you want to use? Shoot it with a 360º camera and decide later. In an email to me about this video (above) courtesy of Los Angeles-based Kevin Dole @Home3D, Kevin writes: Fremont Street Experience...
GoPro MAX Comparison: GoPro Fusion, Vuze XR, Insta360 ONE X, Titan 5.6K 360 DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): GoPro MAX Comparison w/ GoPro Fusion, Vuze XR, Insta360 ONE X & Titan in 5.6K 360° | Video courtesy of CreatorUp (26 October 2019) Hi All, From 360º Camera Subject Matter Expert CreatorUp YouTube Channel: GoPro MAX vs GoPro Fusion vs Insta360 ONE X vs Vuze XR vs Insta360 Titan in this 5.6K 360 VR video. Most of the reviews out there treat the brand new GoPro MAX as a 2D Action Camera - but it is...
Matterport and Insta360 at PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo in NYC DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): by Ivan Samuels by Ivan Samuels Hi All, Look for the Matterport and Insta360 booths at the PDN PhotoPlus International Conference + Expo in New York City now through Saturday (26 October...
360º Photo from the WGAN Meetup Dinner at 2019 Google Street View Summit DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Here is a 360º photo sphere from the WGAN Meetup Dinner ... the night before the 2019 Google Street View Summit. Fond memories visiting with everyone! Best, Dan P.S. I shot this with an Insta360 One X with HDR enabled.
Brain Teaser: Converting Matterport Outdoor 3D Views to 3D Scans? DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsWingman (4426): Tried it now in full sunlight and I could not scan at all. It seems it can work somehow with clouds covering the Sun but once it is out and shining it won't work. With clouds though just keep looking at a minimap in Capture and make sure your next scan data is going to overlap data from any of the previous scans. If there is no Sun you should have about 2-3m of data placed around each scan(can be more if it is really cloudy) so you next...
GSV19: Create 2D Video From 360 Video Using the Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Short Story | Insta360 Global Marketing Project Manager Beichen Nie at the 2019 Google Street View Summit on the Insta360 One X Camera | Wednesday, 25 September 2019 [wp3d][/wp3d] I shot this Matterport 3D Tour of my 2019 Google Street View Summit hotel room in London - using an Insta360 One X camera. -- Hi All, "You can shoot...
GSV19: 84% of Matterport Pro Camera Users Publish to Google Street View DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): WGAN-TV Short Story: UK-based Matterport VP James Morris-Manuel at the 2019 Google Street View Summit on Capture and Publishing to Google Street View | Wednesday, 25 September 2019 Hi All, "We found, in a survey that we ran in 2018, that 84% of photographers that have a Matterport camera upload to Google Street View. We also found in that survey that 7 1% of photographers that use the Google Street View function with Matterport have...
Matterport 3D Tour - hotel room example - shot with an Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 12 6 yearslilnitsch (5803): A quick once over in photoshop can clean up some of the noise An older test of the Insta360 One X w/Matterport while you can get on OK image I wouldn't feel good about charging for these. I shoot stills on my Sony or Panasonic when on site This is a once over of a Insta360 One X Maximum pixels downloaded ...
When to break some workflow best practices while shooting Matterport DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): [wp3d][/wp3d]Matterport 3D Tour by We Get Around Network Photographer Dan Smigrod Hi All, Keeping the camera at the same height is a great workflow best practice. Break the rule when you have a local reason to do so. For example, in the above Matterport 3D Tour, I thought it might be nice to experience the: ✓ "tub view" ✓...
Error Message When Trying to Capture with Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Good news ... While I got my Insta360 One X working with my iPad, I have no idea why it is working now. I did NOT update the firmware. Hmmmmm... Dan
Which 3D/VR Camera/Platform is right for my project in Syria? KlaraTT 7 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @KlaraTT Contact: @Jonathan_GeoCV or Keep-in-mind that in addition to the smartphone needing charging, the rotator has batteries that need to be charged too. While GeoCV presently only sells/ships to USA addresses. The following might be an option: ✓ How to buy a GeoCV Kit if you live outside the United States Best, Dan
Insta 360 one x uploading to YouTube assistance request Renderbydesign 6 6 yearsRenderbydesign (3): Can you please tell me where that option is. The only option I see is exporting to a file. Thanks
Insta360 One X on Cupix??? MGG 2 6 yearsscott_cupix (272): Hi MGG, My colleague and I were talking about who would respond to the email and we concluded the message ought to be something like this: It seems many new to 360 cameras expect the workflow to be a little more streamlined than they actually are. Most cameras require the fisheye photos to be processed through either an onboard camera processor (which is slow) or some type of software (like Studio) to get a 360-format photo. Mike might only...
Video: Insta360 Titan->Is the Insta360 Titan the Best Pro 360 VR Camera? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629):º Video: Relax in 8K 360° - Insta360 Titan HDR photo, Stabilization, Low light & Timelapse samples | Video Courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel (28 August 2019) Hi All, Here is a sample of the Insta360 Titan 360º video (above). Are you using this 360º camera? Best, Dan
Matterport Meetup: Sunnyvale, CA | Wednesday, 21 August 2019 DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder: This Matterport event is tonight, Wednesday, 20 August 2019 in Sunnyvale, CA. best, dan
pricing and insta 360 scans fotoguy 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @fotoguy Is this WGAN Forum post helpful? ✓ How to game the new Matterport Pricing Dan
trying to connect insta360 One X fotoguy 5 6 yearsfotoguy (835): I did both of those.
best camera for outside photos fotoguy 4 6 yearsWingman (4426): I have just tried my Z1 and it is exactly the same as with my V model. Not sure why it is happening as each scan seems to cover(see) much bigger area than it allows to choose a proper distance between scan points. More than 2 meters away from the first point and it cannot align, more than 1.5 from the second and it cannot align. I cannot see any reason to try further if all this happening from a start. I do not know may be it will work with 1...
Matterport Newbie Seeks Feedback on First Matterport 3D Tour DanSmigrod 2 6 yearstresdepro (385): @DanSmigrod @SNFmarkerting I would disable the 360 from the garden, also disable 2 from the other side just leave one. You can try scanning when the sun sets or sunrise so you can catch the big wall with more detail, also extend your tripod as much as you can and add a few more scan points. Also, try making a few scans at night. hope that helps
Amazon Prime Day: Insta360 One X for $340 DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 One X PRIME Day Deal! Should you buy now? GoPro Fusion compared | Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel (15 July 2019) Hi All, From 360º 1-Click Camera Subject Matter Expert Mic Ty's YouTube Channel ( 360Rumors): "You can get the Insta360 One X on sale from July 15-16, 2019 (Amazon Prime Day) for the lowest prices ever! Should you buy now? In this video, I compare Insta360 One X...
Videos: Insta360 One X 360º Camera Reviews and Tutorials DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 One X: Is it REALLY the Best 360 Camera For YOU? (2019 Review Part 2)| Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel (11 July 2019)
Video: Best 360º 1-Click Camera for Photography in 2019 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Best 360º 1-Click Camera for Photography in 2019 | Video courtesy of The 360 Guy YouTube Channel Hi All, 360º Camera Subject Matterport Expert The 360 Guy writes on his YouTube Channel: "Most 360 cameras focus on shooting high quality video and have fewer features for 360 photos. I've chosen 4 cameras to compare as they all have specific features for shooting photos and can all shoot DNG RAW...
Free Matterport Test Drive with Your Ricoh Theta V/Z1 or Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, You can "test drive" creating a Matterport 3D Tour - including Matterport Workshop 3.0 - for free if you have a: ✓ Ricoh Theta V ✓ Ricoh Theta Z1 ✓ Insta360 One X Simple sign up for a free Matterport Cloud account here. ✓ Amazon links to buy these cameras and related gear and accessories. Related WGAN Forum Discussions ✓ WGAN-TV Training Academy: Matterport Workshop 3.0 Training - All 5...
Video: Google Street View from a Destination Management Agency Perspective DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsleonherbert (903): I use the insta360 pro, the pro 2 is a little too expensive.
Video: How to Shoot with an Insta360 One X (without using a smartphone) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): How to Shoot with an Insta360 One X (without using a smartphone) | Video courtesy of Insta360 YouTube Channel (20 June 2019) Hi All, This is an excellent, quick – 121 seconds – video on how to shoot with a Insta360 One X (without using a smartphone). Here's a Amazon shopping list to mount the Insta360 One X on a car (and a link for How to Mount an Insta360 One X on a Car. Best, Dan
Matterport cameras compared: Ricoh Theta V & Z1, Insta360 ONE X, Pro2, Pro1 Jwbuckl 4 6 yearsChangesin3d (125): The interesting part of this is the Closed System "business opportunity" to an open system with other peoples hardware. Matterport sells a amera and sells a business opportunity with an expensive camera and then allows others to have almost the same presentation at a fraction of the cost. At least to my eyes the Z1 is equal to the Pro Cameras. Put this on a mobile devise and the comparisons get even closer. Most consumers for...
Chicago (18 June 2019): Hands-on with Matterport 3D Virtual Tour cameras DanSmigrod 16 6 yearsJwbuckl (337): @ron0987 I understand your point. I was responsible for the planning of and then ultimately the canceling of the Chicago event (due to poor sign-ups). We are still committed to the hands-on format of these Meetups and will try the same in other cities where we think demand warrants. We are looking to the San Francisco Bay area for the next one. Unfortunately, Matterport does not yet have a true users' conference in the works at this time, but I...
Insta360 One X Tour 3SixtyNow 2 6 yearsJanHamorsky (180): here you are... but with Slovak titles, if you don't mind. Best, jan
Video: 9 Techniques to get the Best video quality from an Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): 9 Techniques to get the Best video quality from an Insta360 One X (16 June 2019)| Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel Hi All, While you may have bought/plan to buy an Insta360 One X to use with Matterport, Cupix or another 3D/360º platform, you may find that you can also make money creating 360º video with your clients/prospects. --- 360º Camera Subject Matter Expert Mic Ty writes on his...
A MSP Business Model & Workflow to Ace VRBO/HomeAway for Property Managers DanSmigrod 21 6 yearsJwbuckl (337): @DanSmigrod @THRHHI Gents - sorry to hear of these troubles and thank you for your patience. We have had but a few isolated cases where the process flow with HA needed to be honed and the Teams are on it. This is what the public beta is for - getting optimization on all systems between the companies, not just the bits. I will follow up with the Product Team/Dee at Matterport and see if I can learn anything about this case from our side beyond...
Video: "Get Mind Blowing Footage with the Insta360 One X" (Ideation) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): "Get Mind Blowing Footage with the Insta360 One X" (Ideation) | Video courtesy of Potato Jet YouTube Channel Hi All, This video has nothing to do with real estate photography - and EVERYTHING to do with real estate photography. ✓ What ideas does this video inspire in you? ✓ How might you use one or more of the accessories? ✓ How can you differentiate your business with 360º video...
Video: Insta360 One X Quick Start Guide for Beginners + 10 Shortcuts DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video: Insta360 One X Quick Start Guide for Beginners + 10 Shortcuts (3 June 2019)| Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel Hi All, I encourage you to subscribe to Mic Ty's 360Rumors YouTube Channel. Mic is a 360º 1-Click Camera subject Matter Expect. Are you using an Insta360 One X with Matterport? Cupix? ThreeSixty Tours? Please share example here or start a new discussion. Best, Dan
Video: How to use Ricoh Theta Stitcher+ Adobe Lightroom with Ricoh Theta Z1 DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsleonvanzweel (521): The quality of a one-shot spherical camera will always remain built in. Poor contrast and parallax error. To improve on the parallax error a two lens solution is used to minimize the nodal point offset, but it exacerbates the lighting contrast. Using a four or multi-lens solution improves the lighting contrast but exacerbates the nodal point offset. The main advantage of one-shot cameras is the speed and ease of use. One just has to compromise...
How to scan a pool with Matterport (without black hole) DanSmigrod 6 6 yearsTHRHHI (292): Here is a home i did for a friend whose house is on the short term rental market. Still have a few more tags to add. clickable text [mpembed][/mpembed]
3D scan during daylight (-maybe- dumb question) - Insta360 ONE X or Ricoh V ELAN42 15 6 yearsELAN42 (146): I fear the statement: We encourage you to try it, but please do not rely on it for important client work. I will not update now, BUT I will do 360 scans knowing that -someday- it will be stable, and I will be able to use them to improve the same project. Thank you so much ... ... when I'll have the money I'll buy a BLK. No rental here in Italy, ATM.
The 360 Guy Video: Ricoh Theta Z1 versus Insta360 One X-Ultimate Comparison DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Ricoh Theta Z1 vs Insta360 One X: Ultimate Comparison | Video courtesy of The 360 Guy YouTube Channel Hi All, 360º 1-Click Camera Subject Matter Expert The 360 Guy compares the Ricoh Theta Z1 versus the Insta360 One X. Based on all the reviews I have read/viewed, these are likely the two most likely contenders for WGAN Members to consider for: ✓ Matterport ✓ Cupix ✓ ThreeSixty Tours ✓...
Video: How to shoot Matterport 3D Tour with an Insta360 ONE X and Workflow DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 ONE X 360º Action Camera | REVIEW (4K) | Video courtesy of AuthenTech - Ben Schmanke YouTube Channel Insta360 ONE X: 12 Tips & Tricks! | Video courtesy of AuthenTech - Ben Schmanke YouTube Channel Hi All, These two previous videos by Ben Schmanke about the Insta360 One X might be helpful too. Best, Dan
Insta360 One X won't show in capture app Bycha 3 6 yearsBycha (52): *UPDATE* for iOS devices apparently you can not have the Insta360 app running in the background with the Capture app. I had to close the app and then the scan started to appear. I completed the first test scan of a unit and was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the scan. I definitely will be keeping this tool in my arsenal and creating a separate pricing structure for it.
Video: How To Mount The Insta360 One X On A Car DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Grab: Shopping List @GFHoge Thanks for your kind note and for asking. Here is the shopping list for the gear mentioned in the video ... I :heart: your use case: Best, Dan
Insta360 PRO 2 work with Matterport APP new Version geemaps 11 6 yearsRichardStanton (253): @geemaps I have been doing a lot of testing with the experimental 360 conversion on the Matterport and the Insta360 OneX, I can say that the MP 360 conversions are reasonably good, tighter than the OneX output, but obviously not to the quality of the regular scan output. Unfortunately I do not have a Pro2 to compare outputs with. We have to consider that even though the OneX "support" is official, it is still being tweaked as well (for...
360 View and Matterport Pro2 in Capture v.3.0.1 : GPS and 3D conversion xiarosh 10 6 yearsxiarosh (32): Thanks for the great test. I think you a right . Now, In my regular version 3.0.1 - I can't place 360 on a plan. I just can open and only take a look on an 360 image. I can place it on a plan only in the Workshop after uploading. >> The 3d conversion capability is only available in beta Looks like I understand wrong some announce about Capture 3.0 and Matterport: Cloud 3.0, and description of Capture from Appstore about 360...
Can Matterport Cortex convert 360s into 3D? DanSmigrod 8 6 yearsRichardStanton (253): Yeah it can great for that, and quick as @Metroplex360 pointed out if you are doing it on top of a previous successful (location, not necessarily mesh) scan! A lot of my test cases have been in situations where location data points are sparse or nonexistent, with mixed results. Even so, when I can make it work, very promising! The system will only get smarter as it learns from more contributed scans and configurations.
Video: Insta360 ONE X: 12 Tips and Tricks DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsahojman (335): If you have a Matterport camera, I think there is no reason to use it at a Virtual Tour. - Quality not good at all without HDR. - Ipad crashed more than 20 times when we tried to change between camera and the other one. - Some alignment issues, so we had to repeat some photos. Really we could not understand what was Matterport`s idea with this change. If they want to invite more people to know Matterport, we think this was not the best way.
Video: Insta360 ONE X + Matterport - The Future of Aeronautical Education DanSmigrod 11 6 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): Guess I just got lucky :)
Two New Matterport Marketing Videos: Insta360 ONE X and Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsrzphotoman (1837): @DanSmigrod Matterport + All 360º Cameras = Exponential Growth (for all of us) that a question? I saw the original post so for me, it's still a big question.
Insta360 eBlast: Announcing: Matterport + Insta360 ONE X Integration DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsahojman (335): We used the Insta inside the cars in this tour: Without HDR (at this moment we don't have the option to use it) quality was very poor, unacceptable by our client. Not a good experience for us. Now we have to travel to repeat interior photos with Matterport camera.
Robot 360º - An Insta360 Pro 2 mount on an RC car for Cupix 3D Tour? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Screen Grab from Danny Wong Hi All, Got a 100,000+ SQ FT of commercial space to scan to create a Cupix 3D Tour? I could image the " Robot 360º" programmed to take a photo every x feet. What spaces could you imagine that this Robot 360º would work? Shopping List ✓ Tarzan-A 360VR...
360Rumors: Insta360 Generates Record Profits: the Secrets of Their Success DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, A great read by Mic Ty ... (20 March 2019) 360 Camera Company Insta360 Generates Record Profits: the Secrets of Their Success "The compact camera industry has been declining steadily since 2010, shrinking by as much as 24% in 2018, as more users rely on their smartphones. But in the past two years, 360 camera manufacturer Insta360 (Shenzhen Arashi Vision Co.) has generated five times revenue...
Borrow an Insta360 One X from the WGAN 360º Camera Loaner Program DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, Reminder to complete the WGAN 360º Camera Loaner Program Order Form. Best, Dan
Video: Insta360 EVO comparison: SURPRISING results! (March 2019) DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 EVO comparison: SURPRISING results! (March 2019) | Video courtesy of 360Rumors YouTube Channel (Mic Ty) Hi All, New 360º camera - Insta360 EVO versus these other 360º 1-click cameras in the video above: ✓ Insta360 One X ✓ GoPro Fusion 5.6K ✓ Rylo 5.8K ✓ Vuze XR ✓ Yi 360 VR ✓ Kandao Qoocam ✓ Lenovo Mirage "Some of the results were expected but there were several...
Ben Claremont: Insta360 ONE X Review: Why It's The Best DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 ONE X Review: WHY IT’S THE BEST | Video Courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel One X: TEN NEW FEATURES | Video Courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel INSTA360 ONE X: Best 360 Camera Right Now? | Video Courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel BEST FEATURE of the ONE X | Video...
Insta360 One X Owners/Users - Tips, Tricks, Issues? RichardStanton 8 6 yearsRichardStanton (253): HDR mode - Insta360 OneX and Capture 3 Beta FYI all Insta360 OneX and Matterport mixer uppers. I meant to post this the other day, but am doing it now while thinking about it. In case some of you do not read the fine print, or doggedly check for revisions, a few important things to mention since my last post. #1, since this post another firmware was released, but not a lot said about it (looked to be mostly a flicker fix). This brings the...
Matterport 3D Tour Shot with An Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 15 6 yearsVincentlublink (63): :-)
Video: Insta360 One X Beginners Guide: How to Edit 360 Video with Premiere DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsExpertise (1192): Haven't been able to get Premiere Pro to pull in the plugin!
Matterport Capture 3.0 Beta with Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 14 6 yearsPitdulac (7): Hello Richard, Can you confirm the "510 Granite Way" tour has been shot with an Insta360 One X ? Thanks,
Insta360 One X or Ricoh Theta V for Matterport Capture 3 BETA? DanSmigrod 12 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): @PropertyLaunch Great question. I started a new discussion on "Red Dots" here: ✓ How do you fix the "red dot" from the Ricoh Theta V? Dan
Matterport Pro 2 vs. Insta360 Pro 2 Thea_VR 10 6 yearsThea_VR (36): @DanSmigrod Residential for now, hopefully moving to commercial soon.
Insta360 One X: 22 Tips Tips/Tricks for Getting the Most From Your Camera DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 One X: 22 Tips Tips/Tricks for Getting the Most From Your Camera | Video courtesy of YouTube Channel Hi All, Source: YouTube Channel 22 Insta360 One X Tips and Tricks to make the most out of your insta360 one X, with tips for both beginners and experienced users, including both shooting techniques and post processing shortcuts. The Insta360 One X is a powerful...
Examples: Matterport 3D Tours Shot with Insta360 One X DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, If you shot a Matterport 3D Tour with a Insta360 One X with Matterport Capture 3.0 Beta iOS App, please share examples in this WGAN Forum discussion. Dan Related WGAN Forum Discussions ✓ Matterport Public Beta: Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V ✓ Insta360 One X or Ricoh Theta V for Matterport Capture 3 BETA? ✓ WGAN 360º Camera Loaner Program Includes Insta360 One X & Ricoh Theta V
WGAN 360º Camera Loaner Program Includes Insta360 One X & Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, WGAN is shipping an Insta360 One X today (5 February 2019) to Bullock (@Tommy629) with Affluent Factory in Kingman, AZ. Tommy will post a review of his experience with: ✓ Insta360 One X + Cupix ✓ Insta360 One X + Panoskin Pro (to publish to Google Street View) Jeff Mellon (@360TDWNY) with 360 Tour Designs of West New York in Delevan, NY has the WGAN Loaner Library other Insta360 One X Camera. Super-excited about...
Matterport VP Mark Tepper on Why Camera Agnostic is Good for MSPs DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsangusnorriss (747): Damn right. I’d like to know which MSPs exactly spoke with Tepper. Mr Beloney probably. Matterport are becoming a cloud platform and snapping up low barrier entry cameras which can do dollhouse and 360 magic. It seems they are happy to render low quality to claim some status one day in a press release which says ‘we’ve scanned the world in 3D’. I’m a Pro2 operator. I actually bought another camera yesterday. I refuse to serve...
Matterport Unveils New Cloud Platform, Unlocking Ubiquitous Access To 3D DanSmigrod 13 6 yearsahojman (335): Anyone knows if we can use Theta S instead of Theta V?
Insta360 One X: Matterport, Cupix, iStaging, immoviewer, VPiX and Kuula DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsVTLV (2916): Is anyone currently signed up in the Beta Version with Matterport to use the Insta 360 One?
Matterport Public Beta: Insta360 One X and Ricoh Theta V DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Thanks Dan :beer:
Insta360 Blog: Insta360 Partners with Matterport to Reinvent VT Production DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 ONE X - Virtual Tours Made Easy | Video courtesy of Insta360 YouTube Channel (28 January 2019) Hi All, Here's the Insta360 One Blog post announcing that Insta360 has partnered with Matterport: ✓ Insta360 Partners with Matterport to Reinvent Virtual Tour Production "The partnership lets virtual tour creators quickly capture a property in 360 degrees with the Insta360 ONE X camera,...
GoPro Fusion 2.0 5.6K update vs Insta360 One X, Rylo 5.8K and Vuze XR DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): GoPro Fusion 2.0 5.6K update vs Insta360 One X, Rylo 5.8K and Vuze XR (Jan 2019) | Video courtesy of YouTube Channel (Mic Ty) Hi All, Above video courtesy of Video courtesy of YouTube Channel (Mic Ty) ... --- GoPro Fusion's 2.0 firmware update (Jan 2019) increased the resolution to 5.6K! I compared the new video quality to the previous 5.2k video quality, and with...
Video: Professional 360º Cameras in 2019: Quick Guide DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Video courtesy of The 360 Guy YouTube Channel Hi All, The 360 Guy YouTube Channel discusses: ✓ Insta360 Titan (Coming Soon) - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Insta360 Titan ✓ Insta360 Pro 2 - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Insta360 Pro 2 ✓ Insta360 Pro - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Insta360 Pro ✓ Pilot Era: Coming Soon - WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Pilot Era "Professional...
Video: Which Under $1,000 360 Camera Should You Buy in 2019?! DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Which Under $1,000 360 Camera Should You Buy in 2019?! | Video courtesy of Ben Claremont YouTube Channel (1 January 2019) Hi All, Ben's videos are always helpful. Check-out the WGAN 360º 1-Click Camera Loaner Program. Best, Dan
what is the best 360 camera now for cupix michaelr 10 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): CUPIX @michaeir Insta360 One X is one of the under $500 360º 1-click cameras that CUPIX recommends. In this CUPIX provided chart (above), CUPIX compares 10 360º cameras for features such as resolution. As a WGAN Standard Member, you can borrow an Insta360 One X for 10 nights and take it for a spin with CUPIX...
Video: Insta360 One X versus GoPro Fusion: THE ULTIMATE Comparison DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Insta360 One X vs. GoPro Fusion: THE ULTIMATE 360 camera comparison (40 factors compared!) | Video courtesy of (Mic Ty) YouTube Channel Hi All, Which 360º camera is right for you? Mic Ty writes: ABSOLUTELY MOST DETAILED Insta360 One X vs. GoPro Fusion comparison, with 40 factors and tests! This is the most comprehensive 360 camera comparison, with a comparison of...
Insta360 ONE X Paired with CUPIX? DanSmigrod 7 6 yearsirisbb (4): I purchased the Insta360 One and had issues syncing it with my Samsung right out of the box. I tried to use it on my boyfriend's iPhone and it worked better but still had issues with the updates and software downloads, even on the computer. I think the one I received was faulty as it eventually froze and I couldn't turn it off then it started to overheat! Anyhow, since I'm new to 360 cameras and V.R. tours, I decided to go with the less...
3d Camera for pano tours Viewtech3D 10 6 yearsron0987 (3499): @CFster Nice shot.
Matterport Offering $1,000 Off Matterport Pro2 Camera + Pro2 Lite Special DanSmigrod 21 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31629): Hi All, After running the $1,000 sale, Matterport dropped the price of the Matterport Camera: ✓ Matterport Pro-2 is now $3,395 - New Price Best, Dan
Segway + Insta360 Pro = High-Speed Google Street View Capture DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsleonvanzweel (521): @Metroplex Which model did you order?
BREAKING: Insta360 Pro 2 VR camera debuts with in-camera stabilization Metroplex360 4 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @HelloPado The empire has zero tolerance for such product leaks. Violation of imperial NDAs result in being suffocated mid-air by the nearest Sith Lord. Watch out.